Legal Entity Data

Access 14+ million high quality legal entity reference data.

Since 2001 Xoriant CDi is building and enhancing legal entity database, from global exchanges, registration authorities,
which is distributed to clients globally for regulatory and client onboarding needs.


Legal Entity Reference Data

Provide trusted and secure access to our legal entity database.

14+ Million Entities

Get access to high quality legal entity reference data for 14+ million entities.

95+ Attributes

Our data analysts source up to 95+ attributes per legal entity record.

250 Countries

Covers more than 250 countries and jurisdictions.

Enhanced LEI Data

Get enhanced LEI data and fill all the data quality gaps present in LEI population.


Why Xoriant CDi

14+ Million

14+ Million

Access to 14+ million Legal Entity Reference Data Including LEI

95+ Attributes

95+ Attributes

Covers 95+ Legal Entity Reference Data Attributes

As low as 5% Beneficial Ownership

As low as 5% Beneficial Ownership

Hierarchy Data with as low as 5% Beneficial Ownership

Up-to-Date Corporate Actions

Up-to-Date Corporate Actions

Up to date legal entity corporate actions data

Years of Experience

Years of Experience

Xoriant CDi has been assisting customers since 2001

One Provider

One Provider

An end-to-end data management solutions and services



24*7 access to Operations & IT Stewards

Data Management Experts

Data Management Experts

Proven technology, people and process infrastructure for data management operations


Xoriant CDi OnDemand: Whitepaper – LEI & Challenges

Learn how to enhance the ability of financial regulators to monitor and analyze threats like...

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Xoriant CDi OnDemand: Whitepaper – GDPR

In this paper, we have taken an evolutionary journey from DPD to GDPR. While it...

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Xoriant CDi OnDemand: Whitepaper – Infrastructure

This paper defines some of the key portfolio considerations to help potential investors know about...

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Solution Guide

Xoriant LEI Data Quality Monthly Report

LEI Quality Monthly Report summarizes Xoriant CDi’s Data Quality assessment on LEI population for a month, this accuracy test is based on some pre-defined criteria with respect to Name & country etc.

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